Avoid the common injuries! You cannot afford to let an injury keep you off the ice! As a player you know Hockey is a hard hitting, fast paced, contact sport requiring hand eye coordination and endurance, all while skating backwards! Learn how to prevent those non traumatic injuries and recover quickly from those unexpected traumatic injuries. The best Injury rehabilitation is prevention!



Difficulty recovering between games?

MCL or ACL injuries?

Shoulder/AC joint pain or dislocation?


Arm pain?

Neck or low back pain?

Shooting inaccuracy?

Rib fracture?

Do you have knee, hip or ankle pain or strains?


Shin splints?

Hamstring or quad issues?

Hip or groin issues?

Are you experiencing any of the symptoms above? Athletics Sports Medicine and Wellness wants to help you take your game to the next level. With our specialized rehabilitation techniques, we will have you competing better than ever. Learn how to correct biomechanical imbalances, enhance your performance, prevent injury and get back on the ice!




Call or email Athletics Sports Medicine and Wellness by Cyd Charisse, MD

today and let us get you and/or your family back on track!


Phone: 407-341-6667



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